Welcom to My Valley
Ruozhang Liao. 2D animator, current study in LCC-UAL. Specialised: Toom boom, PS, AE, PR, ID, TVP
Video: We share one heart
The video is my understanding of relationships between creatures. The idea is coming from the Philosophy of Budah: "须弥芥子,大千一苇". Meaning the basic principle can be observed in the tiny seed; the whole world is as massive as a reed. In this video, the beasts and plants are seen in a human being, then it turns into a human face again and creates karma. That's my understanding of nature: we share the same heart, we are the same.
Experience & Expertise
July 2020-September 2020
Worked for Beijing Matchless Technology Co, Ltd as the intern. During the work, creating illustrations for Qihoo 360 Technology Co. Ltd. and other internet company
Octorber 2021-Febuary 2022
Creating Animation for Horniman Museum "Cats and Dogs" exhibition with JingYi Yuan and Yuxin He as the team leader
January 2022-April 2022
Cooperate with students at Ryerson University in Canada, to create a prototype of music software which aims to build a platform for sharing music and meeting new friends for Global Campus Studio
December 2021-Febuary 2022
Used to work on "STAY", the McLaren Award for the Best British Short Animation winner at EIFF 2022
Adobe Photoshop / Adobe Animator / Adobe Effect / Adobe Premiere Pro / TV Paint / Toom Boom Harmony / Toom Boom Storyboard Pro / Traditional Animation Language: English&Mandarin

Nominated by Student World Impact Film Festival
This is a personal project for LCC and will be finished before June. Here is just a rough animation test
The story is about skin hunger and sometimes when people live alone for too long, the thing that may comfort them is the tactile object: the softness of duvet, the coldness of table, hugs from families and friends......Without hugs, the world could be so empty and hollow.

Les Nuits des Bassins
Work with Sarrina, Calix, Trish
Throughout the 2000s, there has been 181 oil spills. 196,000 tonnes worth of oil had been spilt. 63 oil spills occurred in the 2010s, with 164,000 tonnes lost.
The largest ever oil spill happened during the Gulf war in 1991, where 800,000 tonnes of crude oil was dumped into the Persian Gulf by Iraq
The damage that oil spills has on marine life is immense and often times irreversible. It impacts the health of sea creatures and can cause problems, mutations and defects such as stunted growth, infertility, fin erosion, respiratory problems and more.
Since oil floats, the most affected animals are those that stay close to the surface such as seabirds and otters.
We decided upon this project in order to bring awareness to oil spills and the many creatures that these disasters effect. Not only is sealife affected but also birds that sometimes get trapped on the oil surface which further shows the devastation of such environmental disasters.
For this exhibition, our idea revolves around creating an animated projection of oil floating over water but this oil shifts and morphs into different sea creatures and then back out
